Saturday, March 17, 2007


When I pray for other people, I am certainly interceding on their behalf to God. So, when I ask Mary in heaven to pray for me to our Lord, I am asking the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ to intercede on my behalf. Why is this so controversial? Maybe people think I am worshipping her? It is clear that I am obliged as a christian to worship only God.

The following excerpt is from the Catholic Answer Bible.

"Why do we as catholics venerate Mary and the Saints?

We honor the saints in heaven because they have more perfectly attained God's likeness (2 Cor 3:18). "

2 Corinthians 3:18 states, "All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit."

It is interpreted;
"Another application of the veil image. All of us... with unveiled face: Christians (Israelites from whom the veil has been removed) are like Moses, standing in God's presence, beholding and reflecting his glory. Gazing: the verb may also be translated "contemplating as in a mirror"; 4, 6 would suggest that the mirror is Christ himself. Are being transformed: elsewhere Paul speaks of transformation, conformity to Jesus, God's image, as a reality of the end time, and even v. 12 speaks of the glory as an object of hope. But the life-giving Spirit, the distinctive gift of the new covenant, is already present in the community (cf 1, 22, the "first installment"), and the process of transformation has already begun. Into the same image: into the image of God, which is Christ (4, 4)."


beth said...

I agree that controversy is irrelevant in so far as Christians ought to agree with each other instead of getting stuck on various biblical technicalities. Let's agree to love one another - pray for each other and stop judging each other.

beth said...

A friend told me recently that humans have killed over 100 million fellow humans due to controversy in the last 100 years, world war 1, 2 Vietnam, Korea, Iran vs Iraq, Japan vs China, etc. We have One assignment - Love one another, what does love mean? not killing, not judging, why is love so hard?

beth said...

These comments were made by my dad. I don't know why they come up as if they were from me. I love you pops!